For Honor Starter Edition is free right now


For Honor Starter Edition is free on uplay right now and I don’t now for how much longer it will be. If you were looking to play it now’s the chance to get it free.

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Didnt care for that game… I had high hopes though… How do you like Conan Exiles?



Same with me just wanted to let others know about it. Conan Exiles is a really fun game I prefer it over ark some times, less dino care and more hunting and dungeon exploring. It requires a lot more skill on the players part because its based on you and not your dinos. I definitely recommend it, but it is just as grindy as ark is or worst some times.



@SargeantPopTart is there PVP, can you build bases, and do you have to gather resources to make things like in ARK or the other survival? I guess my question is it more of a real survival game or more like an MMO?



Its a lot like other survival games with PVP, base building and a lot of gathering resources but there are dungeons you can do and a lot of things you are able to do. The cool thing I like about it is it has npc’s in it so their is a little bit of a story you can learn on you travels and you can get thralls there npc’s you capture and train to be on your side so you can get guards. So not really a MMO, just Survival game play.

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Cool, ill def grab it when it goes on sale. Sounds like a hardcore PVP survival with a mix of mmo. I like it.