PUBG leaving Early Access in December and will include new Desert Map
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds News
The new Desert map that is set to release with the launch version of the PUBG gets a name, Miramar. Check out the latest details on the PUBG Developers Blog.
Version 1.0 of Player’s Unknown: Battlegrounds will offically release on DECEMBER 20TH. For more information checkout the latest post in the PUBG Developers Blog.
I am loving some of the changes that they have made to the game, I am mad about we can fly as far anymore using the rocking method. and why does it say on this thread that it will be closed in 6 days.
The topic was set to close at the end of December. I saw it appropriate since the topic is that the game is “Leaving Early Access in December” and December will be coming to a close. I have since canceled the closing topic timer. You are free to continue to make comments about PUBG.
PC 1.0 Update #1
Today, we are going to deploy a patch and the live servers will be under maintenance for two hours.Before we dive into the patch notes, we would like to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the intermittent lag and character position readjustment issues our players are experiencing during matches. Creating a smooth playing environment to allow our players to fully enjoy Battle Royale was one of our top priorities for PC 1.0 launch. However, a multitude of causes have triggered the in-game lag issue to become worse or happen more frequently in the last few weeks. In the process, we were not able to implement the measures to visibly address the issue more quickly.
Contrary to most expectations, there is a combination of causes that lead to the in-game lag and character position readjustment issues. The issues cannot be attributed to one or two causes and have stemmed from a combination of different factors which is why we need to continuously work on resolving and investigating the problem. We upgraded our game engine to the latest version and made changes to the game when we added new content. The problem resulted from these changes as well as several other causes.
In this patch, we have removed some inefficiencies in server infrastructure and optimized in-game servers to alleviate the problem. More specifically, we made adjustments to reduce the bottleneck during the game server launch phase and also resolved some server hitch issues.
Resolving the intermittent lag and character position readjustment issues are still one of our top priorities, and we are continuing to work on analyzing and fixing any remaining issues every day. After today’s update, we will be running some internal tests and deploying more updates to gradually mitigate the problem. We are currently examining several measures including server optimization and server logic modification to address the multitude of causes. On top of this, we will continue our efforts to further investigate remaining causes.
We will keep you updated on our progress going forward. We would like to apologize again for the inconvenience and we will continue to do our best to resolve the issues.
Please find the notes for the today’s patch below.
Changed the map selection ratio to be equal for Erangel and Miramar.Replays
Adjusted replay system so that players can only view game replays from 3 minutes after death.
This is to prevent sharing opponent’s positions to surviving teammates immediately after death.Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where some buildings and objects were not marked on the Miramar world map.
Reduced occurrences of the issue where replays occasionally crashed back to the lobby screen.
On restarting a replay, it will continue where last viewed.
Fixed the issue where the beginning of the Death Cam and replay was missing.
Fixed the issue where players couldn’t earn BP.
We will update with a compensation plan soon.
Fixed the issue where players could die unexpectedly from fall damage.
Fixed the issue where bullets couldn’t penetrate particular fences from both sides.Thank you.
​The PUBG Development and Community Team
No I believe that I have the ability as a moderator to set the timer. I don’t think just anyone can do that feature when they create the Topic.
PC 1.0 Update #2
01.09.2018Players, as we have said on numerous occasions, we are committed to creating a fair play environment in PUBG and are always looking for ways to decrease the number of active cheats and their users. As part of our latest efforts in this direction, we are adding a new way to report suspected cheaters in-game. Starting with the current test build (once the testing is complete, this feature will be moved to the live servers as well), you will be able to report players directly from the replay feature of our game. This means that you no longer need to be killed by a suspected cheater for you to be able to use the in-game reporting tool. We encourage you to use the replay report tool as it is an effective and efficient way of making us aware of the players who are undermining your enjoyment of the game. Please refer to the patch notes below for a more detailed explanation of how to use the new in-game report feature.
We have continued to stabilize the game performance since the 1.0 release. We will be tweaking a few things to improve the performance of the game without comprising any gameplay elements. For example, in this test build, we have reduced the visible distance while in the air - this will improve the performance of the server and client in the beginning of the match. We plan to make small changes to the starting islands too in order to achieve similar goals.
We will also be testing the new crate system with two new crates. We know some of you have been looking forward to this. One crate will be free to open and the other one will require a key. Every test server user will be granted 100 000 BP and 6 Early Bird keys (the new unified PUBG crate key that can open Desperado and Gamescom crates), so that they can test the new crates and the items within. Each time you spend BP to get a crate, you will get one of the 4 available crates. There will be a much higher chance of getting one of the two new ones. You can see the exact percentage values below. The BP value, the new items and the keys won’t be transferred to live accounts. They are granted purely for the purpose of testing, to make sure that everything stays stable once the test build is moved to the live servers. As always, all our crate items are purely cosmetic in nature and provide no gameplay advantage.
Please read the detailed patch notes below to learn about these and other changes and fixes included in the current test build and please keep providing your valuable feedback on our forums
Once the test build is found to be stable enough, the current patch will be moved to the live servers. Live server update schedule will be announced later on.
Added more objects around La Bendita on Miramar to increase the amount of coverGameplay
Reduced the visible distance when parachuting down in order to test the optimization of server and client performance at the early phases of the gameItem
Changed the design of the energy drinkUI/UX
Adjusted the squad team colors (players 1~4) to better reflect their callout names (yellow, orange, blue, green)
Adjusted squad team colors to make them more consistent between different colorblind options
Added a function where a player can select more detailed criteria for the “Cheating” category in the in-game report tool
You can choose multiple items or you can just report without selecting any of themReplays
While player’s nameplate is on (H key), now you can check the current weapon of that player by pressing G key
Added report button in replay
Report button pops up when pressing RMB on the player list (TAB key)
While observing / following mode, report button appears on the timeline (J key)
Added a care package icon changing effect according to the status
The icon will be different when the care package is falling and looted by other players
Adjusted replay system so that now a player can watch the replay without extra delay in the following cases
Solo mode
When the player won the match
When all teammates are eliminatedBug Fixes
Fixed the issue where when a player lands from the plane the position of character teleports intermittently
Fixed the issue where character animation is frozen when rejoining after a crash
Fixed the issue where the red zone disappears instantly after it formed
Fixed the issue where some vehicles spawned on Miramar are stuck to an object and unable to move
Fixed the issue where a player sometimes couldn’t pass through a door even though it was open
Fixed the issue where mouse cursor would disappear on a replay map
Fixed the issue where when replay and death cam were played, the crosshair was bouncing
Fixed the issue where the falling speed meter text was showing abnormally in PortugueseNew Contents
Added two new crates (free / paid)
You can open the paid crate box with the Early Bird key which is purchasable in Steam market
In order to test the stability, 100,000 BP and 6 keys will be granted to each account (test server only)
The below chart shows the crate box drop rate
The new free/paid crate box has a 40% drop rate and the previous crate boxes(Wanderer and Survivor) have a 10% drop rateDESPERADO (new paid crate box) 40%
BIKER (new free crate box) 40%
Wanderer 10%
Survivor 10%The below chart shows the individual drop rate per item that can be earned through the new free/paid crate boxes. (displayed down to two decimal places)
Sleeveless Turtleneck Top (Gray) : 8.00%
Leather Boots (Black) : 8.00%
Punk Knuckle Gloves (Black) : 7.50%
Baggy Pants (Black) : 7.50%
Striped Tank-top : 7.50%
Wide Pants (Red) : 7.50%
Punk Knuckle Gloves (Red) : 7.00%
Sleeveless Turtleneck (Black) : 7.00%
Baggy Pants (Brown) : 5.00%
Long Leather Boots (Brown) : 5.00%
Striped Shirt (Gray) : 5.00%
Beanie (Brown) : 5.00%
Horn-rimmed Glasses (Black) : 4.50%
Training Pants (Light Blue) : 4.50%
Leather Boots (Brown) : 4.50%
Horn-rimmed Glasses (Brown) : 2.50%
Aviator Sunglasses : 1.30%
Checkered Jacket : 1.30%
Long-sleeved Leather Shirt : 0.60%
Leather Hoodie (Black) : 0.32%
Leather Hoodie (White) : 0.32%
Cloth Mask (Leopard) : 0.16%BIKER items
Long-sleeved T-shirt (Red) : 15.00%
School Shoes (Brown) : 15.00%
raglan shirt : 10.00%
T-shirt (Pink striped) : 10.00%
Polka Dot T-shirt : 10.00%
Dirty Long-sleeved T-shirt : 10.00%
School Shoes (Black) : 5.00%
Skinny Jeans (Khaki) : 5.00%
Gas Mask (Half) : 4.50%
Beanie (Gray) : 4.50%
Sleeveless Turtleneck (Red) : 4.50%
Skinny Jeans (Pink) : 2.50%
Patrol Cap (Brown) : 1.20%
Sleeveless Turtleneck (Gray Striped) : 1.20%
Patrol Cap (Gray) : 0.40%
Biker Pants (Black) : 0.40%
Floral Shirt (White) : 0.26%
Sneakers (Black) : 0.26%
Padded Jacket (Purple) : 0.06%
Princess Power Tank-top : 0.06%
Floral Shirt (Black) : 0.05%
Biker Pants (Gray) : 0.05%
Aviator Goggles : 0.03%
Sleeveless Biker Jacket (Brown) : 0.01%
Sleeveless Biker Jacket (Black) : 0.01%
Cloth Mask (Checkered) : 0.01%For more information about the crate system, please see the FAQ
Thank you.
The PUBG Development and Community Team
PC 1.0 Update #4
Players, as with the last patch, a new type of anti-cheat solution, which is still under development, is to be applied to the test servers. We are in a test phase with this solution, and its stability and compatibility need to be verified. We would like to collect data about potential compatibility issues, analyze it and solve any issues that may emerge.
If you experience a crash, please take a screenshot that shows the error and report it here. If the current test build is consistently crashing for you, we recommend that you play on the live servers instead. Thank you for your understanding.
Please find the patch notes below:
Miramar improvements
Added more buildings and cover across the map to improve the engagement experience
Added more off-road routes for easier vehicle navigation
Upgraded the item spawn level of certain areas for loot balancing (some areas will spawn better loot)Replay
The replay system has now been updated to a newer version and past replay files cannot be played anymore
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where heal and boost items could be used underwater
Fixed the issue where characters would get stuck in certain areas on Miramar
Fixed the issue where wall textures on some Miramar buildings were not displaying correctly
Fixed the issue where certain buildings nearby Hacienda del Patron were not displaying correctlyThank you.
The PUBG Development and Community Team
PC 1.0 Update #6
Hello players,
In December 2017, we announced that we were considering introducing a maximum ping limit to improve the game environment for our players. This update has been delayed as the team’s resources were focused on cheat blocking and prevention. PUBG is now introducing an experimental method that we hope will get even better results than the one we were considering before.
Unlike the method considered earlier, we are going to divide the matching pool depending on ping. This means that the users with lower pings will be prioritized during matchmaking. The team is expecting to improve the overall play experience by splitting the matching pool rather than restricting connection depending on ping. Preparations are underway to test this method in some regions, with first trials planned to start this week. Specific dates will be shared when ready.
Early this year, development of some of the major features and systems was delayed as our focus shifted towards tightening our anti-cheat effort. Also, due to other reasons, we have not been able to show you the team’s development roadmap for 2018. We would like to ask for our players’ generous understanding that despite the team’s eagerness to share what we have been planning and working on, the timing had to be changed. We do have a lot of exciting things that we want to share with you, including new content to provide more extensive battle royale experiences as well as improvements and modifications to create a deeper and more realistic gameplay. In March, the team will reveal what you can expect from us in the first half of 2018 in terms of our development and new content plans which, by the way, include a new map.
The current test server patch is mostly aimed at further optimizing the gameplay and fixing several significant bugs. More optimizations and fixes are being worked on and will be shared with you when they are ready. Please refer to the patch notes below for details and leave any feedback you may have on our]
After the updates made to the test build are proven to be stable, they will be applied to the live servers as well. We will announce the timeline for the live server update soon.
Your enjoyment of PUBG remains our number one priority. We will continue to put our best effort to improve and maintain the fair play environment, optimize the game and provide you with new content.
Bug Fixes
Thank you,
The PUBG Development & Community Team
Uhg. I wonder if that ping thing will screw me over. The best I can get is EU servers and the best is 130 - 150.
BTW, this checks your ping to servers if you are curious:
It will group you with people with like ping now… They were going to boot for high pint but decided to just group average pings. If you are with a group of us with low ping, we will get into a match with a bit higher ping is all. Just an FYI my ping to the California server is 12