Rainbow Six Siege News


Operation White Noise is the new DLC for Rainbow Six Siege. Here is Live gameplay and starter tips for the new Operators.


Here is the teaser trailer for the latest Rainbow Six Siege map based in Seoul, South Korea callled Mok Myeok Tower.

Here is the teaser image for the new Polish Operator





Purchase the Year 3 Pass before March 5th 2018 and get the Signature Damascus Steel Skin.
Additionally, if you’re an owner of the Year 2 Pass, you will receive a bonus of 600 R6 Credits, on top of the 600 that come with the Year 3 Pass.

With the Y3 Pass get access to a 1-year* VIP premium membership which includes:

8 new Year 3 operators
8 exclusive headgear and uniforms
R6 Meteorite Charm
600 R6 Credits

7-day early access to each season’s new Operators.
10% discount in the in-game shop**
5% Renown boost
+0,3% Alpha Pack Boost

*VIP Membership ends January 31, 2019
**10% discount only applies to purchases made with Renown or R6 Credits.

If you missed the Year 2 Pass, don’t worry! You can still get the 8 Y2 operators in the Year 2 Operators bundle, available in the in-game shop for 2400 R6 Credits.



Year 3 Panel Recap
11/20/2017 12:00 PM

Ubisoft announces a third year of content and support for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. Year 3 will have four Seasons, and eight new operators. There will be come changes to the content of the seasons compared to what was released in the previous years of post-launch support for Rainbow Six.

Season 1: Operation Chimera
Year 3 will kick off with a new kind of Operation. We are exploring a new fantasy in Operation Chimera: quarantine and biohazard. The two operators are biohazard specialists from two different countries: France and Russia.

We are also launching our third year of post-launch content with Outbreak, the first major coop event in Rainbow Six Siege. Outbreak will take place over four weeks during Season 1, and will be free-to-play for Rainbow Six Siege owners. It will feature an exclusive collection of cosmetics, which will only be available during the limited time event.

There will be a full reveal of both Operation Chimera and Outbreak at the Six Invitational 2018.

Season 2
Season 2 will be more traditional Rainbow Six Season. We will have two new Italian GIS Operators, and a new map featuring a brand new location: Italy.

Season 3
The two Operators in Season 3 will come from different CTUs: Scotland Yard in the UK, and Delta Force from the US. Additionally, there will be a complete rework of an existing map: considerable changes to level design and art direction. The essence of the map will remain the same, but the gameplay and tactics will be completely different.

Season 4
Season 4 will be a classic Season in Rainbow Six Siege. We will have two new operators and a new map featuring a brand new location: Morocco. The two new operators will come from the Moroccan GIGR.



Everything we know about Rainbow Six Siege Operation Chimera: New operators, zombies, and more…

Monday, Jan 1, 2018 at 4:00 pm EST

Kicking off 2018, Rainbow Six Siege is on track to receive its ninth major content drop, “Operation Chimera.” Deviating from the formula of previous expansions, Chimera brings significant shift in tone, with a new “fantasy” setting. And although a full reveal is still some time away, Ubisoft hasn’t held back in teasing what’s to come.

Mission Outbreak

The centerpiece of Operator Chimera is an all-new game mode, known as “Mission Outbreak.” While details are scarce, Outbreak will be a three-player cooperative experience, assumedly with similarities to the existing “Terrorist Hunt” mode. However, Ubisoft has stressed this is “fantasy” take on the Rainbow Six formula, with a “new flavor” compared to previous expansions.

In line with the name of the expansion and the mission itself, Mission Outbreak will pit players against a biohazard threat, after a dangerous pathogen kickstarts a widespread pandemic. Backed up by various teasers both in-game and on social channels, the pathogen is likened to a “parasite,” that targets the adrenal glands and skews hormones.

Ubisoft is also sharing vague teasers for Outbreak through a “leaks” site for the expansion, “rainbowleaks.org.” After logging in with a Uplay account, the site shows the early stages of an alternate reality game (ARG), detailing the spread of a pathogen across Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.

The parasite’s bonding with the adrenal gland of the patients, supercharging it and improving their pain management. It’s lacing around the major bones and reinforcing everything from the clavicle to the ulna. If it wasn’t for dulling their pain, this thing would kill the patients out of sheer torture. It’s also tapping into the nervous system, nobody knows why yet.
From these snippets, it’s safe to assume Outbreak will be a type of zombies-based mode, where players need to fight back the infected. Ubisoft has confirmed this will be a limited time event rather than a permanent mode and will be playable for four weeks after the content drops. The event will also be free for all Rainbow Six Siege players, similarly to multiplayer maps previously added to the game.

Two new Operators

Like previous seasons, Operation Chimera will also debut two new playable Operators, for both the new cooperative mode and competitive multiplayer. Tying into the theme established with Mission Outbreak, both operators will be experts in biohazard threats and containment, with gadgets that assumedly tie into these roles.

One of the Operators comes from a French specialist unit, while the second is tied to Russia. While few details have been provided beyond this, it’s safe to assume one will be an attacker, while the other will be a defender in competitive play.

For those with Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 3 Pass, two weeks of early access will be provided to both these Operators. While firm dates are yet to be established, these Operators will be available with the game’s Renown currency, or R6 Credits, two weeks after Year 3 Pass holders.

The release of these Operators will also be paired with new skins and other cosmetic content, which ties into in Chimera’s zombie theme. These cosmetics will be available exclusively over the four-week period, before assumedly being added to the Alpha Pack content pool at a later date.

The outbreak looms ahead

For now, information on Operation Chimera is relatively limited, though, in the coming months, more details are set to surface. A full reveal of Operation Chimera and Mission Outbreak is scheduled for the “Six Invitational 2018” in Montreal, between February 13 and February 18. Once more details surface, we’ll be sure to update this article. For now, we can just look forward to its Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC release in early 2018.



Operation White Noise - Mid-Season Reinforcements
01/10/2018 09:00 AM

Patch 4.2 will be deployed to the TTS on Thursday, January 11th. As with most Mid-Season Reinforcements, we have a collection of Operator changes that are coming, particularly for a couple of fan favorites (or nemeses).
Deployment on the live servers will come after we have had a chance to review the feedback from the TTS.


Ela’s SMG will have a reduced magazine size
We have decided to lower the magazine size of her SMG from 50 to 40 bullets.
Game Designer notes: Ela overpowers her competition. Players select her almost every round, and for a good reason. All of the data we have on her (such as win ratio, K/D ratio, and Kills per round) shows that she needs to be nerfed. We have found this to be primarily because of her SMG and to a lesser extent her concussion mines.
The recoil of her SMG was already nerfed slightly with Y2S3.2, but this did not have the impact that we hoped.
For now, we’re trying to balance her while keeping her SMG’s uniqueness, which lets her fight several opponents at a time better than other defenders. We will consider other ways of nerfing this weapon if this is not enough.
In addition to the reduced magazine size, we will be reducing the overall strength of concussion effects across the board.

Reduction in Concussion effects
With Y2S4.2 patch, concussion effects will no longer disable sprinting. It will still reduce movement speed and camera rotation speed, but affected targets will recuperate much faster (4 sec, instead of 7 sec). The effect on sight and hearing will still last a total of 7 sec.
Game Designer notes: This change will affect both Ela and Zofia. We believe this will most heavily impact Ela, as Zofia also has impact grenades to rely on for increased effectiveness.
Compared to other gadgets of this nature, the concussion effect is superior in almost every way: it greatly affects movement speed, massively slows down rotation speed, and also reduces a player’s ability to hear and see.

Ash’s R4-C nerf
We reduced the damage of the R4-C to 39 (from 41).

Game Designer notes: Ash is still a pick that is too attractive when compared to other attackers. We’ve compared her most popular weapon (R4-C) to other assault rifles stats and given the R4-C’s very high rate of fire (860), its damage is a bit too high.
*We are aware of a visual issue with Suppressed damage not displaying properly in the Menu. The values in-game are true to the table above.

Capitao’s Para-308 buff
We increased the Para-308’s raw damage is to 48 (from 43). We also slightly reduced the intensity of the random components of its recoil.

Game Designer notes: Capitao right now is not attractive enough. His gadget suffers from a few issues that will need long-term solutions, but in the meantime, it’s clear that his main assault rifle is too weak.
*We are aware of a visual issue with Suppressed damage not displaying properly in the Menu. The values in-game are true to the table above.

Twitch’s Shock Drone Ammo
We reduced the max ammo for each Shock Drone to 5 (from 15).
Twitch right now is too strong. There are several possible reasons, one of them being that her drones have the potential to deny an unreasonable amount of electronics from defenders. We feel that this change will force players to start making choices about when to shoot or to save their ammo, and which Defender gadgets to destroy.

Bandit’s barbed wire
Bandit will now have two barbed wire (down from 3).
Game Designer notes: Even if Ela has eclipsed Bandit’s pick rate, players still pick him too often. Reducing the number of barbed wires he has should bring him more in line with other Defenders.

Lesion’s Gu Mine refill timer
We lowered Lesion’s Gu Mine refill timer to 30 sec (from 35).
Game Designer notes: Lesion is in an OK place right now, but could use a slight buff. By reducing the refill timer, it will encourage his specific playstyle of staying alive as long as possible to increase the strength of his defensive gadget.


Temporal Filtering
The T-AA has been fully implemented. As part of this, the Resolution Scaling and Sharpness Factor slide bars are in the Options menu.
With render scaling, you will be able to customize the ratio between render resolution and display resolution, which will allow you to maintain your target framerate. For example:


Bomb UI Changes
We changed the player markers for players that are interacting with the Defuser. When a teammate is interacting with the Defuser, a new animation icon appears on the player. If your teammate is in the process of disabling the Defuser, you will also notice a new animated icon on that player. The new animated icon should make it easier to identify which teammate is currently interacting with the Defuser.
Additionally, once the teammate plants the Defuser, the progress of the Defuser replaces the round timer.
These are the first steps we are taking towards improving the Bomb game mode, and we will have more information about our next steps at the Six Invitational!

Caster Camera improvements
We will be making some adjustments to the Caster Camera. These adjustments will improve the viewer experience for those watching the spectator camera, but also provide them with more information in a more digestible format.
You can see a screenshot of the new UI here:


FIXED – Shield exploit that involves Deployable Shields being held in front of an Operator.
FIXED – Attack Operators can appear as a 2D texture when approaching broken walls while holding the hostage.
FIXED – Certain operator weapons produce extremely bright smoke and can obscure the view of the players.
FIXED – Zofia dies after using Withstand when a match has a Handicap of 75 or less Damage.

Game Mode

Terrorist Hunt
FIXED – Bombers do not always spawn during a Terrorist Hunt Classic on Tower map.
FIXED – Last three enemies of a wave will get stuck behind the reversed table in 2F Meeting room.
Spectator Camera
FIXED – Switching to Dokkaebi on support mode during her gadget animation will show her gadget screen empty.


FIXED – Dokkaebi loses functionality, and a broken animation is present if Dokkaebi gets into DBNO state while hacking the camera system.
FIXED – No warning appears when Dokkaebi is out of Logic Bomb uses and tries to activate it.
FIXED – When in ADS, you do not need to hold the appropriate key to use Logic Bomb.

FIXED – Yokai is stuck and has framed camera rotation rate on uneven terrain/debris.
FIXED – The drones including Yokai have issues smoothly turning when navigating on certain destructible surfaces.
FIXED – The Yokai drone loses signal in multiple places on Tower.
FIXED – Echo drone can stick to the canister under Mira’s Black Mirror.

FIXED – Zofia’s LMG-E should have 150 bullets instead of 151.
FIXED – Users can extend the bleed out timer by spamming Withstand.

FIXED – Ying’s Candela will not go through the Ramps of 3F Watchtower of Oregon.

Level Design

FIXED – Players can prone between objects at 1F Trophy Room and be pushed inside the wall or outside at EXT Campfire Wood.
FIXED – Nitro cells do not inflict damage if detonated on the plants from 1F Great Room.
FIXED – Defenders in Prone stance in one corner of 1F Dining Room are not contesting the objective.

FIXED – Bullets pass through the desk located at CCTV room.

FIXED – Player can be stuck inside a wall if they use the vault prompt on beer cases.

FIXED – Castle’s double door Armor Panels do not cover the entire frame.

FIXED – Player can vault in a specific location to get on a window frame.
FIXED – There are lights on the side of the tower, which can block an Attacker’s rappel trajectory.

FIXED – Due to a missing texture, players can exploit an area using drones and kill enemies.

FIXED – Attackers can plant the Defuser from outside the objective at Ext Main Entrance.

Theme Park
FIXED – Attackers can place a drone inside the barricaded window of EXT Sweet Shops.
FIXED – Vault prompt is missing on the rooftop of the building.

User Experience
FIXED – Too much smoke appears when shooting with some weapons.
FIXED – Installing the latest graphics driver for AMD will cause a crash when explosives are triggered.
FIXED – Concussion and Sonic Burst effect applies to replays if applied after the start of replay.




02/01/2018 12:00 PM

The Outbreak event will mark the beginning of the third year of Rainbow Six Siege. We are grateful to the millions of players who have supported us for so long, and thanks to you, we are beginning a new year of Siege with a lot of exciting content ahead. To show our gratitude, we want to start Year 3 with a gift to our community, something truly unique. We hope you will enjoy playing Outbreak as much as we enjoyed making it.

Outbreak is a free coop event taking place within Operation Chimera. Over a duration of four weeks, all Rainbow Six Siege owners will be able to team-up with two of their friends to take on a mysterious threat. The Outbreak event will be deployed first on TTS on February 20th. It will then be playable from March 6th to April 3rd, for all of our players.

A few days ago, a mysterious space capsule crashed near Truth or Consequences in New Mexico. It turned out to be carrying an exotic parasite, the Apex, which infected the area and turned the town’s populace into monsters. The Quarantine Zone is the only thing keeping it contained but it will not last for long. If the parasite gets out, it would be a disaster of global proportions. Millions would die. Rainbow’s mission is to enter the devastated town and destroy the parasite’s roots before this happens.

Outbreak takes the renowned Rainbow Six Siege gameplay and drops it in a new and fresh setting with an innovative twist. The parasite is unlike any threat the Rainbow Six team has ever faced before. From exploding monstrosities to hulking horrors, these armored monsters will bring the fight close and push the destruction engine to new heights – they won’t hesitate to tear through walls to get to you. Five archetypes of infected will challenge players in Outbreak, each with their own distinct abilities. Players must react quickly to fortify their positions and control their environments while under pressure. Play smartly and tactically to find new ways of using your arsenal, against a foe that doesn’t take cover and engages instantly in close combat.

There are two difficulty levels in Outbreak. The first one, Normal, will give a challenge to our players, but one they can overcome with coordination and team spirit. Where the real fun starts though, is with the second difficulty level: Pandemic. In this mode, friendly fire is on so watch were you’re shooting! Additionally, enemies can take you down with only a few hits. Smart tactical play and team play are the only way to prevail. In this punishing difficulty mode, only a select few will succeed… Will you be brave enough to dare it?

Three new exclusive coop-oriented levels are playable in Outbreak. These maps are bigger and more open than PvP maps, with sizable sections entirely outdoors. Being designed for coop, they are also more linear and feature a clear sense of progression. Nevertheless, the destruction and multi-path approach that are iconic to Rainbow Six Siege are still very much present. Will you go in guns blazing, or quietly sneak through a side door?

Not every Operator has the right skillset for this mission. The development team had to make an informed choice in who would be playable in Outbreak. We made a selection of Operators who are the most adapted and relevant for this specific game mode, from a design standpoint.

This is the list of playable Operators in Outbreak:
The two new Operation Chimera Operators
And last but not least, our faithful Recruit!

Within the duration of the 4 weeks event, an exclusive collection of cutting edge cosmetic will be available. This gear will be found in the Outbreak Packs.
In line with our promise to you from the beginning, the Outbreak Packs will not provide you with any gameplay elements, and will contain cosmetic items Only.

The Outbreak Collection contains 50 cosmetic items ranging from Rare to Legendary quality. The items include weapons skins, headgear, BDUs, charms and a unique Elite skin. They are found in Outbreak Packs, which each contain one item. There are no duplicates. The Outbreak Packs are available for purchase only for the duration of the Outbreak event. Finally, four Outbreak Packs are granted to each player for free upon starting Outbreak for the first time. For more details about the Outbreak Collection, please consult this blog post.

Keep checking our blog for more updates on what’s coming up. Don’t miss the full reveal of both Operation Chimera and Outbreak during the Six Invitational. For more information about the Six Invitational, head to the official Twitch channel.




Get ready for 6 days of non-stop Rainbow Six Siege action at the SIX INVITATIONAL, with 3 days of group stages online and 3 days live at the venue.

Fans, professional players, talents, content creators and developers will gather once more to celebrate a shared passion at the TOHU, Montreal, for an event twice as big as last year:

  • 16 teams competing for a $500,000 prize pool and the title of World Champion
  • Live showcases of new content including the anticipated reveal of our next season
  • Developer and community panels

Come celebrate with us from February 13th to 18th!

Tune in on

More information about Rainbow 6 Invitational

FREE WEEKEND February 15th-20th Come try out Rainbow Six Siege for FREE.



02/09/2018 12:00 PM


A parasite caused a surge of violence and chaos in the small town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Today, we are revealing the details of the five lethal profiles of infected resulting from this Outbreak.

As a strike-team of three Rainbow Operators, you will venture deep into the quarantine zone to identify the source of Outbreak. The parasite has altered the bodies of the infected with abilities that outmatch humans’ defense mechanisms. To succeed, you will have to eliminate the five following lethal profiles:


Grunts are common hostiles that become highly resistant when the parasite detects an enemy presence. To protect its host, the parasite armors its body and becomes more resistant to bullet wounds. Caution and stealth is recommended.


Breachers are proximity bombs that crater anything in their path. They make for a very agile opponent, but they launch themselves into the fray and blow holes in indestructible walls. Make sure you are nowhere close to them.


Rooters are a rarer type of hostile. They send out coral spikes from the ground to injure and immobilize their targets. Rooters are always on the move and will keep you on edge. Beware when dealing them the final blow; they become extremely lethal when on the brink of death.


Smashers are not discreet. The parasite reinforces its body under a massively thick hide, making it practically impervious to bullet wounds. They will also tear down walls without suffering any injuries.


Apex is at the top of the hostile food chain. It sends waves of hostiles your way rather than attack you head-on. They can hurl blinding projectiles, which can only be countered by Finka and Doc. This opponent is a real test on your team’s communication skills.

Lastly, keep in mind that the hostile will combine their abilities to eliminate you. Team Rainbow has now arrived at the Quarantine Zone. Suit up and get your gear ready: Outbreak is about to start.

To learn more about Outbreak and Operation Chimera, keep an eye on the R6 Blog. For more details on Outbreak, please check out the following blog post. Don’t miss the full reveal of both Outbreak and Operation Chimera during the Six Invitational, which will be broadcasted on our Twitch channel here.



Way to keep us up to date on this game man. They really need to fix the server delay issues that is being a problem in the game.

1 Like


Thanks @NgoodRavens Ravens. I appreciate that. Although I’m typically not a fan of Zombie style games this limited time coop mission sounds like it might be a lot of fun. It really seems like they had fun designing it and put a lot of hardwork and dedication into Outbreak.



All players will be able to try out the new operators starting Monday February 19th ONLY on the Technical Test Server (TTS). Operation Chimera will go live Tuesday March 6th. Anyone who owns the Year 3 Season Pass will be able to play as the 2 new operators, Finka and Lion, starting on March 6th. Those who do not own a Year 3 Season pass will be able to purchase the new operators with in-game credits starting on Tuesday March 13.


FINKA (Attacker)

LION (Attacker)



HUGE Changes coming soon for Rainbow Six Siege maps.




05/07/2018 12:00 PM

Year Three Season Two brings a breath of innovation, spawning a new Intel gadget, a Clubhouse map buff, an Echo buff, lots of gameplay fixes, and the Pick & Ban settings.

On the gameplay front, expect a series of enhancements. We are adjusting how drop shotting is handled and implementing a new counter defuser animation. Make sure to play on our Test Server and submit your feedback on the R6 Fix.

And we can’t wait to see you perform unprecedented tactics through the Pick & Ban system. This feature provides an extra layer of strategy between teams, as each side tries to counter their opponents’ picks during the banning phase. We also anticipate a thrilling twist at the last moment, when teams swap Operators for the unexpected 6th Pick.

Lastly, we are releasing our Y3S2 major update: Operation Para Bellum. Two new Defenders are joining Team Rainbow in our most competitive map to date.

Visit our channel twitch.tv/rainbow6 on May 19-20th for a full reveal of Y3S2 during the Pro League Finals.



11/05/2018 12:00 PM

The villa was specifically designed to offer a competitive showdown. It sets the stage for diverse gameplay, providing wide staircases, narrow tunnels, and secret hatches. Don’t let the lush décor fool you, the villa is deadly: some of its floors are destructible and can fully expose you.

The land belongs to the Vinciguerra, a dangerous crime family known for their smuggling activities. The house is their retreat, where they lead a lavish lifestyle and collect rare art pieces. Now we catch the villa in a snapshot of time: Vinciguerras are burning documents and transporting their holdings before the big raid. But they’ve got wind of Operation Para Bellum and fled, leaving everything in disarray with vital information ready for the taking.

Visit our channel twitch.tv/rainbow6 on May 19-20th for a full reveal of villa during the Pro League Finals.

For a more in-depth look at the new map Villa checkout this video by IcyCat25



05/14/2018 12:00 PM

Picking Alibi is an invitation for a battle of wits with your opponents. This Defender is all about finding clever ways to force the Attackers’ hands. Any hesitation comes at a heavy price.

The character of Alibi was inspired by undercover infiltration specialists in the Italian Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale unit. She is a cunning woman with a gift for infiltrating dense networks of organized crime.

Her name is Aria de Luca. She was born in Tripoli, Libya and immigrated with her family when she was three years old. Her father managed a small ordnance manufacturer, using his contacts to open up exports. De Luca earned her understanding of Italian firearms through the family business and training on the shooting range. At 18, Aria entered the European Championships, and won gold in two divisions. Following the event, a Carabinieri recruiter convinced her to join the police force.

De Luca’s precision shooting skills shot her up the ranks, and she served for a time with the elite Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale in fighting organized crime. She eventually earned a spot in the Gruppo Intervento Speciale (G.I.S.), and following a successful operation in Afghanistan despite being separated from her unit, she was singled out for undercover work in organized crime. She infiltrated the Vinciguerra Crime Family and spent several years among them before bringing them down from the inside.

Visit our channel twitch.tv/rainbow6 on May 19-20th for a full reveal of Alibi during the Pro League Finals.



05/16/2018 12:00 PM

Maestro is a colorful addition to the intel gameplay family. His expertise lies in blocking access to key locations, and his blunt style allows him to see through smoke and mirrors, for which he has no patience. He shines when joined by his long-time G.I.S. teammate, Alibi.

The character of Maestro was inspired by explorers from the Italian counter-terrorism unit, Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (G.I.S.). He is a wanderer known for his brilliant exploration, reconnaissance, and scouting techniques.

His name is Adriano Martello. Oldest in a family of eight children, he grew up in Rome, but attended the Military Academy of Modena at 18. He then joined the Carabinieri and earned a spot as an Explorer Paratrooper in the 1st Paratrooper Regiment known as Tuscania. After several distinguished tours, Martello qualified for Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (G.I.S.) and participated in joint operations in Iraq, earning a facial scar from a roadside IED. He went into private consultation where his courses quickly became a top-rated operator boot camp for teaching advanced techniques to Tier 3 and Tier 2 units, as well as private military companies.

The Tuscania eventually convinced Martello to re-enlist to help upgrade one of their units to a Tier 2 Special Forces classification, and this enabled him to join Rainbow as a representative of the Italian Units.

Visit our Rainbow Six Twitch Channel on May 19-20th for a full reveal of Maestro during the Pro League Finals.


